
Permanent intervention
Part of: 'Festival of Choices' Graduation show Sandberg Institute
Site: garden of Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art, Amsterdam
Supported by: Jeanine Hofland, Het Open Huis,
Eclipz Studio, Stadsdeel Amsterdam West, Sandberg Institute
Materials: treated pinewood

‘Fence’ is a permanent work located in the backyard of the gallery Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art in Amsterdam, linked to the garden of two entrepreneurs and a foundation. The building of the fence is initiated as a reaction on the initial spatial organisation of these gardens and way they were used as backspaces for storage and trash. A closed straight fence divided the properties before. The aim was to rethink this situation and build a different fence (or non at all) with different borders to put into question what this space meant for the owners and how they wished to relate to each other. The new curving borders visualize a spatial and formal agreement with the different parties involved. A door was added as well. The official property borders will change along if this fence still exists in 2033.