BE 0032 (0)4 88 04 94 73
NL 0031 (0)6 34 34 75 17

Through critical urban research, exhibitions and applied architectural projects, I both practice and reflect on the field of architecture and urban planning, intending to reveal ideological standpoints behind urban developments and architectural forms. I focus on my own living environment, a Western European context, where city-politics tends to bend towards neo-liberal urban growth at the expense of socio-economic diversity and urban equality. How can urban development and architectural form be inclusive and sensitive to meaningful forms of life? As study and practice I create and test forms of daily life in all types of scales. Some of my projects have focused on: the value of public privacy and un-programmed public spaces, the privatisation of urban commons in Vilnius, the continual issues around radical social housing renovations and demolitions (both in Belgium and the Netherlands), and the potential of monumental residual spaces in Amsterdam.

Sophia Holst (1988) is a Dutch architect researcher, active within the architecture fields of Belgium and the Netherlands. She obtained a Master’s degree in Visual Arts at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam and a Master in Architecture at the KU Leuven in Brussels. She collaborated with architecture offices like Studio Anne Holtrop (NL), Nu architectuuratelier (BE) and CRIT architects (BE). In 2021 she completed her residency at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht. Supported by Creative Industries Fund NL, she currently works on the foundations of an independent architecture- and research practice, in which critical urban theory and applied design are interwoven.


Model on show of 'Housing Pain Healing Strategies' @ Arcam, in the expo
'Bouwen op Woongeschiedenis' , Amsterdam, 15/11/24 - 23/11/25


Exhibition opening 'Bouwen op Woongeschiedenis' about alternative (local) housing histories in Amsterdam nieuw-West, Noord and Zuid-Oost.
With Tayfun Balçik, Sophia Holst and Wouter Stroet
@ Arcam, Amsterdam, 15/11/24 - 23/11/25 @ 15:00


Lecturer at Symposium 'Hervertellingen' about alternative local histories in the outskirts of Amsterdam, @Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, 02/12, 9:00-17:30 hr


Contribution to AMJournal, Edition #2, 'Deconstructing Gentrification' by Amsterdam Museum, in 'The Polylogue': a round table conversation on deconstructing gentrification - with Tayfun Balçik, René Boer, Sophia Holst, Melissa Koutoutzis, and Elaine Michon


Lecture within Masterclass for Social Housing Corporations Amsterdam 'Hervertellingen Nieuw-West' by Arcam @ Ossestal Amsterdam, 28/05


Scenography @ KVS Brussels for Kunstenfestivaldesarts 10/05 - 01/06
in collaboration with Laura Muyldermans


Lecture 'Terug naar Nieuw-West' at New Metropolis, Amsterdam, 08/05 @ 19:30


'Arcam Boekenclub' about Amsterdam Nieuw-West, 25/05 @ 15:00 - 17:30 hr


Fietstocht 'Terug naar de toekomst', i.s.m. Tayfun Balçic en Arcam, Amsterdam, 24/03 @ 13:00 - 15:30 hr


Part of the curator team 'Hervertellingen', within the Arcam year program 2024, Amsterdam. In collaboration with Tayfun Balçic


Guest lecture 'Housing Pain Healing Strategies' at Master Stads- en architectuurgeschiedenis UVA, Amsterdam, 10/01


Lecture: 'Housing Pain, Healing Strategies', Dutch Design Week
Eindhoven, 22/10 @ 15:00 - 15:30 hr


Lecture: 'Forms of Public Privacy', Studio Stadswaag, Antwerp 29/09


Exhibition at MAD Brussels, Across program, 16/06 - 03/09


Teaching: Research & Critical Thinking, Master of Architecture, Tilburg 2023


Lecture series trough Belgium, Across program, 2022/ 2023


Panellist at: BK Talks 'Perspectives. Urbanisms of diversity', TU Delft 22/09


Exhibition Tafelzetting #3: 'Publieke Denkbeelden' VAI, Antwerp. 26/08 - 23/10


GRANT Creative Industries Fund NL Regeling Talentontwikkeling 2022/ 2023


Honourable mention for the Prix de Rome Architecture 2022


Supported by